While Offering Professional and Friendly Service at Competitive Rates.

While Offering Professional and Friendly Service at Competitive Rates.

While Offering Professional and Friendly Service at Competitive Rates.
Best Pet Shop in Dubai, Abu Dhabi
Petz N’ Stuff, pet store Dubai offer pets with several coats types, colours and personalities. At Petz N’ Stuff your heart’s desire to find the right pet companion is fulfilled. Trusted and recommended by many we have several breeds of puppies and kittens. Along with supplying pets in Abu Dhabi and Dubai we also provide free vet consultation. All the formal procedures of the pets have been completed on time. The pets are vaccinated, dewormed and microchipped. To ensure their health we conduct periodic health check up. We provide a health guarantee of 48 hrs. Having all the necessary infrastructure, professional team and authentic breeds we can undoubtedly say that we are the finest pet shop in Dubai.
Features of our pet store Dubai:
- Puppies and kittens of different breeds can be found with us.
- We only sell purebred pets in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
- Store and premise is always kept clean and hygiene.
- Licensed and authorised seller.
- Routine health check up of pets is done.
- Offers the pets at competitive price.
- Proficient delivery system – Same day delivery available.
- Quality pet supplies from trusted brands are sold.
- Equipped with first class infrastructure.
We can say with complete confidence that you will find the best pets in Abu Dhabi and Dubai in our store. You can choose the pets of your choice or if you require we will provide complete assistance in choosing the right pet companion for you. We also have pet supplies and other necessary items like pet foods and pet grooming products. Diverse products required to ensure the well being of pets is available with us. Pets from only authentic breeders are imported by us The pets are screened and the formal procedures are taken care of before they are accepted in our pet store Dubai. The records and documents which include import documents, license, health checks, vaccinations and so on are maintained by us.
Having a pet at home is a matter of pride. It’s like having your own little world of joy, a furry friend to greet you when you get home from work. So, are you ready for a puppy? Or a kitten?
Raising a puppy is a commitment, because you are looking after a cute little life that would be depending on you for all its needs. Get ready to roll if you are ready for some awesome puppy time. Petz and Stuff, the pet store Dubai has adorable little puppies as you will see in our online catalogue.
If you are looking for a reliable place to buy pets in Abu Dhabi, you’ve come to the right place. Petz and Stuff, the reliable pet shop in Dubai has the biggest collection of lively little pets for you to choose from. We have the best dog and kitten breed, and they are all brought from breeders with stellar reputation.
We have the best pet related products and accessories like Bunny, Acana, Applaws, Armitage, and plenty more. When it comes to buying accessories and products for your pets, make it the best you ever bought for them.
Choosing the right puppy can be a challenge. Just visit our online pet shop in Dubai, and we can easily guide you through. We have the expertise and experience in dealing with all kinds of pets. We can discuss the different breeds at our shop, so you can buy the one that appeals to you the most. We can also help you decide on the size of your puppy or kitten. Certain pets require more investment because they need expensive supplies and medications.
While buying pets in Abu Dhabi, we can also help with some grooming tips, so you can make your little friend look pretty and adorable.
Visit our pet store Dubai and take home your favourite furry friend!

What your pet needs, when they need it.
Select the puppy of your choice and take them home on the same day without any delay.
Administration of all vaccination and deworming have been done till date for all our puppies.
Good quality microchips are placed in all our puppies.
All our pets have passports and proper documents

Petz n stuffs will be open during 10 am to 10 pm from Saturday to thursday. The pet shop in Dubai sells, provides treatment, provides vaccination and deworming facilities during this time.
Petz n stuffs is the pet shop in Dubai. We are accurately located in Salman street, behind X5, Abu Dhabi: 12345, UAE.
We sell pets according your wish and requirements. Our pet store in Dubai have variety of healthy breeds of pets. Come in and take your furry friend home.
Yes, absolutely you can bring your pets to our pet shop in Dubai for treatments, vaccination, deworming and other helps.
Petz n stuffs offer complete support for you to take care of your pet. Our pet shop in Dubai facilitates every support your pet will need.
Only with the consent of your landowners may you keep dogs in your home. While there are many pet-friendly neighbourhoods and flats, not all structures allow pets in Abu Dhabi to live there. In Dubai, it is a requirement that all pets be kept on a leash at all times when they are outside.
Pet import permits can be obtained by registering and submitting an application on the MOCCAE website. Owners are not permitted to import animals with a permission that has expired; the permit is only valid for 30 days from the date it was issued.
Dubai’s Petz N’ Stuff offers pets in Abu Dhabi with a variety of coat kinds, colours, and personalities. The animals have been immunised, dewormed, and chipped. We assess their health on a regular basis to ensure it.
We have puppies and kittens of many different breeds. In addition to providing pets to Abu Dhabi, we also offer free veterinary consultations. The pets in Abu Dhabi formal processes were all successfully finished on schedule. The animals have been immunised, dewormed, and chipped. We assess their health on a regular basis to ensure it. We offer a 48-hour health guarantee.